Veronica cristal

Veronica cristal

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  • Rating
  • Возраст 33
  • Пол Женщины
  • Местонахождение caracas, Venezuela
  • Сексуальная ориентация Обоего пола
  • Говорит Spanish, English
  • Глаза Карие
  • Волосы Черные
  • Телосложение Стройный
  • Размер груди Средний: C-D

Hello horny !!!
I'm Veronica, I want you to surrender to my charms, come prove that you're going to be hooked
Not only because of my body and my pleasant treatment, but also because of my 64 MPX 4k camera that makes the experience much more pleasant.
Come to me without fear that I will treat you as if we had known each other for a lifetime
preferably use for safety of both and thus avoid scams.

If you come to me with respect I will treat you with respect.


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Veronica cristal


  • AM - 2024-02-01

    The best

  • AM - 2024-02-01

    Perfect again

  • Lucky man - 2024-01-04

    10/10. Cant be better. Check her, fully recommend.

  • Thomas86 - 2023-02-06

    She is really hot and made a perfect show

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Veronica cristal

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