rikki king

rikki king

2.00$ за минуту
  • Rating
  • Возраст 27
  • Пол Женщины
  • Местонахождение dallas, United States of America (USA)
  • Сексуальная ориентация Натурал
  • Говорит English
  • Глаза Голубые
  • Волосы Блонд
  • Телосложение Стройный
  • Размер груди Маленькие: A-B
  • Рост 163 cm / 5"4 inch
  • Вес 30 Kg / 66 lbs
  • Социальные сети
  • Категории Girlfriend experience
  • Keywords

    squirt blonde sugarbaby hot tease

  • Поделиться

i am a young sweet blondie always happy and always in a mood to make you smile,come over, pour yourself one, and let'e enjoy some nice time together... its about to really heat up .. i hope youre ready, because im edging and wanting you. I love exploring and letting myself be guided through the nature of my body to the rhythm of the music ... my heart palpitations increase as I see your requests and feel that you are watching me.
I am a sweet and tender woman trapped in a burning body wanting to have my skin naked when I know that you are seeing me, I will make you feel that you touch me, following your every wish, you will feel that your hands caress my skin, you will feel that you enter me


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rikki king


  • marvell - 2021-01-16

    I really wanted to give a higher review, but tbh I feel that she is not enthusiastic about the "work" (which makes me somewhat lose interest as it looks too forced), neither does she dress in the stockings I requested. I guess she is not really prepared. She's nice to talk to though!

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rikki king

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